Sunday, April 27, 2014


           Every engineer in the world seems to have some kind of bliss that how their instruments or equipments or their department of engineering works. Although it may be from the least of physics theories or to the top of the high level technology.

 But as a matter not only engineers but also every human being on earth should really be proud and matter of a fact they really have their luck to be a part of the evolution done by our earth. Since this is the period of advancement in technology almost in every sector we have our abilities to know our world not like the past days. This is the blog about how the things around us work.

From tiny string which atoms are made to the giant stars we seen it on our every night sky and their motions around the universe, their dynamics, kinematics, and static conditions are to be revealed. Since every department of engineering was merely connected to the universe we have our responsibilities to know our universe and with the knowledge we can make our earth a good place to live. This is the main objective of this blog.

Usually astronomy is the science that is used to study the objects which we see in the night sky. But with astronomy almost every engineering aspect are interlinked to study the universe. From mechanic to the electro- optic department and from the civil to the IT department all engineering cadre helps to serve the study of astronomy.
          It’s a small step for our team members to really study the universe in all most all possible dimensions and we are trying to post everything that we studied. 

           As a matter of fact we the engineers have to know the value of our life and life cycle and its base, the earth and its location in the solar system and position of our solar system in the Milky Way and its place on the universe. I am talking about this kind of knowledge because as a fact we are the luckiest fellow to study the nature and its rule to live a comfort and luxury life in this precious world. To make our life more comfort and highly civilized we have to work hard and smart with this new field of technology like nonmaterial, cryogenics, plasma, High thermal resistive and conducting construction materials, power production, power storage and transmission without cables.

          To generate power with minimum hazards to the mother nature is the most complicated task in front of us all, for this purpose we requires a huge understanding of the law of physics and nanotechnology but all this task on one side we have given an resources of countless number of stars of vulnerable potential of energy generating all over its entire life cycle. And I simply wonder that how this happen that without any success to the human brain of generating electricity by nuclear fusion, is that a  possible one to have such kind of technology  in our earth to fulfill our energy requirement with only little raw material needed and a little  place  to generate electricity. So we have search to keep our entire planet with energy with zero harm to any life. For this purpose we have to gain some knowledge of the astronomy because lots of science is already given to us by our nature. 

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